Merseyside Police

About us

Merseyside Police was formed in 1974 and serves a population of around 1.5 million people, covering an area of 647 square kilometres.

We employ people in a variety of roles including police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Police support staff, Special Police Officers and Volunteers.

Merseyside Police is split into five local policing teams - Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens and Liverpool.  Each area has a combination of community policing teams, response teams and criminal investigations units.

At Merseyside Police, we believe in putting our communities first in everything we do.  We are proud to deliver an excellent policing service and we will continue to work with our communities to tackle the issues that concern them most.

This section tells you all about Merseyside Police, our history, vision, chief officers, and how we plan to make sure Merseyside remains one of the safest counties in the UK.